Vargonen, first founded to publish web pages and then turned into a hosting services company, knocked on our door for marketing communication and positioning strategy as it prepares for the third major transformation in its history. We prepared the strategy that will position Vargonen as the leading brand in the field of “cloud services management"
Vargonen, which has gone through three major transformations since its establishment, recreating itself each time, always maintaining its leading position in the field of technology with its ability to read customer needs and service quality, was also a pioneer in the field of “cloud services management”. The primary goal was to move away from the identity of a service provider and position itself as a business partner that directly contributes to the business continuity and efficiency of corporate companies. Another priority was to ensure that the innovative vision of Ali Vargönen, the founder of the company, was engraved in the corporate memory and to put forward ideas that would ensure that the brand culture was shared by all teams.
Using our own unique methodology called “Culture Design”, we first focused on Vargonen's exceptional story. We interviewed and deciphered the brand's history, success stories and the motivations of its founders, and combined this information with market analysis and data on the category. We also identified the brand's values and discovered the “differentiation angle” and “growth angle”, defined the brand promise and created the positioning statement. We identified potential customer profiles and defined “personas” and the “purchase journey”.
For the communication campaign, we transformed the most powerful promises of the brand into 8 simple, understandable and useful plans (devices). We titled these plans “Vargonen Service Mind.” We decided to turn these plans into the main messages of the communication campaign by considering to patent the name. Then we focused on campaign ideas by determining the language and tone of the communication.
We concretized the ideas we generated with creative work and prepared “testimonial” style content and “case studies”.
With the brand identity work of one of Turkey's most important designers, Örgüt Çaylı, with whom we collaborated in this process, Vargonen also got its visual world. The brand's website was redesigned and presented to consumers with a new language and a new face.
Our work for Vargonen was not limited to this. We also produced the channel strategy for the relaunch campaign and micro-strategies for social media. We came up with theme and content ideas to improve internal communication. Finally, we summarized all the work in a “mind map” and turned it into a guide booklet and made it available to the communication team.
We recognized Vargonen as a brand distinguished by its story and strong ties with its customers. As a result of our collaboration, we had a brand that knew how to direct its communication and determined its road map.
Vargonen's journey was perhaps just beginning.
(*) During the last period of our cooperation, Vargonen was acquired by Eclit, a subsidiary of Turkven. In other words, Vargonen experienced its fourth major change. In this process, we also managed Ali Vargönen's personal reputation management. The new company, which left the name Vargonen after the acquisition, still continues its services under the name EclitGo. Detailed information: